Author: Kurtis Findlay

  • Episode #037: Year in Review

    Episode #037: Year in Review

    It’s time for our annual Year in Review episode where we take a look at the best and the worst of what we’ve read and discussed on The Pullbox Podcast in the past twelve months! What were your top picks? Drop us a line! Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS

  • Episode #036: Delilah Dirk and the King’s Shilling

    Episode #036: Delilah Dirk and the King’s Shilling

    Finishing up our month of First Second Books, Kurtis and Michael take a look at Delilah Dirk and the King’s Shilling. If you recall, they reviewed the first book in an earlier episode. How does this one compare? Listen and find out! If you have a comic that you would like us to pull, please…

  • Episode #035: The Fall of the House of West

    Episode #035: The Fall of the House of West

    Continuing our First Second Books month, we look at the two-volume Battling Boy prequel series, Rise of the Aurora West and Fall of the House of West. How do these books compare to Battling Boy and what do we hope for in the future of this unique world? Listen to find out! Tell us what…

  • April Pullls: Alias, Archie, and Anthropomorphic Animals!

    April Pullls: Alias, Archie, and Anthropomorphic Animals!

    Here is what we are reading this month! You can choose to read any or all of these books to be a part of this podcast. Just head to your local library, book store, comic shop, Comixology, or find a friend with a copy that you can borrow, and start reading! Once you’ve finished reading,…

  • Episode #034: The Nameless City

    Episode #034: The Nameless City

    This month we celebrate with First Second Books on their tenth anniversary by picking three of their recent releases! First up is The Nameless City by Faith Erin Hicks. Mike and Kurtis are both thrilled with this book, but take a listen to find out what makes it so good! If you know a comic…

  • Episode #033: Sonic the Hedgehog/Mega Man: Worlds Collide

    Episode #033: Sonic the Hedgehog/Mega Man: Worlds Collide

    Two of the biggest video game franchises meet up for the first time in this epic cross over event! Did Mike and Kurtis enjoy this wild ride or was the idea too novel for its own good? Do you have a comic that you want us to read? Send us an email at!…

  • March Pulls: It’s a First Second Books Celebration!

    March Pulls: It’s a First Second Books Celebration!

    Here is what we are reading this month! You can choose to read any or all of these books to be a part of this podcast. Just head to your local library, book store, comic shop, Comixology, or find a friend with a copy that you can borrow, and start reading! Once you’ve finished reading,…

  • Episode #032: Guardians of the Galaxy/All-New X-Men: The Trial of Jean Grey

    Episode #032: Guardians of the Galaxy/All-New X-Men: The Trial of Jean Grey

    In this episode of The Pullbox Podcast, Michael and Kurtis tackle the moral issues surrounding the Trial of Jean Grey. Plus, just how many characters are in this book? Definitely over twenty! If you have a comic that you think we should read, send us an email at Play in new window |…

  • Episode #031: Here

    Episode #031: Here

    Start March off on the right foot by listening to Kurtis and Michael talk about one of the more interesting comics they’ve ever read. Guaranteed you’ve never read a book quite like Here by Richard McGuire. If you know a comic that you think we should read or have any comments about the episodes you’ve…

  • Episode #030: Scott Pilgrim vs. the World

    Episode #030: Scott Pilgrim vs. the World

    Instead of talking about a graphic novel, in this episode Michael and Kurtis discuss the Scott Pilgrim movie and how it compares to the original source material. Check out the previous two episodes to hear their thoughts on the comics, then plunge into this third and final episode in their pilgrimage through Scott Pilgrim! If…